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I Spy With My Little Eye - Paperback


Ever heard of a 'patching princess'? Well, this story introduces you to Savannah, a young girl with a 'little eye' and a brave heart. Savannah learns to conquer her fears with a little help from her trusty hospital pals. Do you believe in magic?


Emma and Samuel Treleaven are from the country town Kalgoorlie, and are the parents of little Savannah.

At just 5 days old, Savannah was diagnosed with a persistent fetal vasculature (PFV) and a congenital cataract. Whilst trying to ease their nerves on surgery day, they sat together in the hospital and were inspired to write this story.

They hope that this story brings awareness towards PFV and allows other patching children to wear their patch with bravery and confidence, with a chronicle of Savannah's journey that they can look back on for years to come.

Thank you for being a part of Savannah's journey.

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