Well this is us... Amanda (right) and Tegan (left)... the faces behind Little Poppy Lane.
Two sisters, originally from Perth WA, who now call Kalgoorlie home. It's the usual old story... Both came to Kal for just a year or two... Fast forward to 15 years later and we are both still here.
We are just two ordinary mums. Amanda has three beautiful girls, an 8 year old, a 4 year old, and 18 month old, and Tegan has a cheeky little 4 year old boy. Our lives, just like everyone else's are busy, and so our aim is to make yours that little bit easier.
We love Kalgoorlie for many reasons. Life is easier in the country. Fresh air, less traffic, friendly people and the easy laid back lifestyle. We love being able to park right out the front of the grocery store, being able to walk to the park and don't forget those incredible Summer storms.
But just because we live in the country doesn't mean we don't still want all that you can get in the city. So we've pulled together all of our favourite brands and brought them to town for you.
Happy shopping x