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Magnetic Tile Topper - Alphabet Upper Case Pack - 40 Piece

Turn your child's playtime into an exciting alphabet adventure with Learn & Grow's Alphabet Upper Case packs!

These magnetic tile toppers promote hands-on learning as your child arranges letters to form words, names, or even simple sentences. This interactive approach enhances fine motor skills and cognitive development.

By combining education with play, we've created a tool that fosters a love for learning while strengthening important early learning developmental skills.

These Alphabet toppers are an excellent resource for preschoolers, kindergartners, and young learners eager to explore the world of letters.

Transform learning into an adventure and inspire a lifelong passion for reading and writing. Order now and watch your child's language skills flourish!

The 40 piece set includes:

Complete alphabet A-Z
2 additional sets of vowels
4 additional common consonants

These patent pending Magnetic Tile Toppers are compatible with all major magnetic tile brands.

Learn & Grow Magnetic Tiles have been designed to encourage imagination and inspire open-ended play.

Magnetic tiles provide children with open-ended experiences where the only limitation is their imagination.

Age: Suitable for ages 3+

Safety standards: product meets all CE testing standards.

All toppers are CPSIA Certified.

Manufacturing: The base is not magnetic itself and requires the magnetic tiles to work.
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